A. Wade Smith Research Award


The A. Wade Smith award will be given each fall to a student pursuing original research on racial justice or a closely related topic. The award is for up to $500 and can be used to support any research-related activity (e.g., interview transcription, purchasing of a dataset, travel to do field work, etc.).

This award recognizes the important scholarly contributions of A. Wade Smith, Dartmouth class of 1972. Smith was the Ralph P. Holben award-winner in sociology at Dartmouth. He completed his Ph.D. in sociology at the University of Chicago in 1977 and went on to a distinguished career as a scholar and educator. His work was devoted to the idea of racial equality and had a wide reach in the discipline. Smith was Professor and Chair of Sociology at Arizona State University when he died of cancer in 1994.

Research Awards Applications

Sociology Research Awards Applications will start being reviewed in the begining in October each year and will continue on a rolling basis.   Please send materials to the department chair Jason Houle and should include the following:

Research proposal

This should cover the research question and its significance, other relevant works on the topic, and the study design. Proposals should be 4-5 pages in length (double-spaced), not including references, additional figures, etc.


Itemized budget and budget justification - one page

Advisor approval

Approval from faculty research advisor (either by e-mail to the chair or additional signed page to the application).


Please consult with your faculty research advisor to determine whether your project needs to be reviewed by the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects. The review process can be lengthy so if there is any chance that your project will require review, submit your materials to CPHS as early as possible (on or before the application deadline).