The Minor in Social Inequalities consists of six courses, to be selected as follows:
1. One introductory course: Sociology 1 or 2
2. One theory Course: Sociology 15 or 16
3. Three of the following courses from the Lower Level
o Socy 23 Social Movements
o Socy 25 Democracy and Democratization in Developing Countries
o Socy 26 Capitalism, Prosperity and Crisis
o Socy 31 Youth and Society
o Socy 32 Social Meanings of Home
o Socy 34 Health Disparities
o Socy 38 Status and Power in Social Interaction
o Socy 42 Racism in Asian America
o Socy 45 Inequality and Social Justice
o Socy 46 Constructing Black Womanhood
o Socy 47 Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.
o Socy 48 Immigration, Race and Ethnicity
4. One of the following courses from the Upper Level
o Socy 50 Sociology of Law
o Socy 55 Poverty and Public Policy in the US
o Socy 56 Sociology of Gender (Cross-listed with WGSS 34.04)
o Socy 57 Identity and Social Interaction of Multiracial Americans
o Socy 58 Education and Inequality
o Socy 60 Dangerous Intersections: Intersectionality Beyond Boundaries
o Socy 61 Gender (In)Equality (Cross-listed with WGSS 33.05)
o Socy 65 Social Psychology of Inequality
o Socy 70 American Labor Relations
o Socy 71 Race Matters (Cross-listed with AAAS 63)
o Socy 80 Independent Study (in Social Inequalities)
An Upper Level course may be substituted for a Lower Level course
Class and General Inequalities: Socy 23, 25, 26, 31, 32, 34, 38, 45, 50, 55, 57, 60, 65
Ethnicity: Socy 31, 32, 42, 46, 47, 48, 57, 58, 60, 71
Gender: Socy 32, 46, 50, 56, 60, 61