
The Basic Minor

The Basic Minor in Sociology consists of six courses, to be selected as follows:

    1.  One introductory course: Sociology 1 or 2
    2.  One theory course: Sociology 15 or 16
    3.  Four additional Sociology courses.  Students must take three Lower Division courses (numbered 10 or 11, or 20-49) and one Upper Division course (numbered 50-80).  Students may substitute an Upper Division course for one of the Lower Division courses.

The Minor in Markets, Management, and the Economy

The Minor in Markets, Management, and the Economy consists of six courses, to be selected as follows:

    1.  One introductory course: Sociology 1 or 2
    2.  One theory course: Sociology 15 or 16
    3.  One of the following:  Sociology 26, 66 or 69
    4.  Two of the following courses from the Lower Level
         o  Socy 21 Political Sociology
         o  Socy 22 The Business of Development in Asia
         o  Socy 26 Capitalism, Prosperity and Crisis*
         o  Socy 27 Organizations in Society
         o  Socy 28 Health Care and Health Care Policy
         o  Socy 29 The Sociology of Work       
    5.  One of the following courses from the Upper Level
         o  Socy 50 Sociology of Law
         o  Socy 53 Power, Politics and the State
         o  Socy 66 Markets and Management*
         o  Socy 67 Ideas, Politics and Crisis
         o  Socy 69 The Sociology of Globalization*
         o  Socy 70 American Labor Relations       
         o  Socy 80 Independent Study (in Markets, Management and the Economy)
    An Upper Level course may be substituted for a Lower Level course

*For the MME Minor, taking Sociology 26, 66 or 69 can be used towards either fulfilling requirement #3, OR requirement #4 or #5, but not both.


The Minor in Social Inequalities

The Minor in Social Inequalities consists of six courses, to be selected as follows:

    1.  One introductory course: Sociology 1 or 2

    2.  One theory Course:  Sociology 15 or 16

    3.  Three of the following courses from the Lower Level

         o  Socy 23 Social Movements

         o  Socy 25 Democracy and Democratization in Developing Countries

         o  Socy 26 Capitalism, Prosperity and Crisis

         o  Socy 31 Youth and Society

         o  Socy 32 Social Meanings of Home

         o  Socy 34 Health Disparities

         o  Socy 38 Status and Power in Social Interaction

         o  Socy 42 Racism in Asian America

         o  Socy 45 Inequality and Social Justice

         o  Socy 46 Constructing Black Womanhood

         o  Socy 47 Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.     

         o  Socy 48 Immigration, Race and Ethnicity

    4.  One of the following courses from the Upper Level

         o  Socy 50 Sociology of Law

         o  Socy 55 Poverty and Public Policy in the US

         o  Socy 56 Sociology of Gender (Cross-listed with WGSS 34.04)

         o  Socy 57 Identity and Social Interaction of Multiracial Americans

         o  Socy 58 Education and Inequality

         o  Socy 60 Dangerous Intersections: Intersectionality Beyond Boundaries

         o  Socy 61 Gender (In)Equality (Cross-listed with WGSS 33.05)

         o  Socy 65 Social Psychology of Inequality

         o  Socy 70 American Labor Relations

         o  Socy 71 Race Matters (Cross-listed with AAAS 63)

         o  Socy 80 Independent Study (in Social Inequalities)

    An Upper Level course may be substituted for a Lower Level course



Class and General Inequalities: Socy 23, 25, 26, 31, 32, 34, 38, 45, 50, 55, 57, 60, 65

Ethnicity: Socy 31, 32, 42, 46, 47, 48, 57, 58, 60, 71

Gender: Socy 32, 46, 50, 56, 60, 61