Sunmin Kim Assistant Professor of SociologyFaculty associate, The Dartmouth Consortium of Studies in Race, Migration, and Sexuality (RMS)
Janice M. McCabe Associate Professor of SociologyAssociated Faculty, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Smriti Upadhyay Assistant Professor of SociologyAsian Societies, Cultures, and Languages Program Affiliate
Lev Grinberg Ben Gurion University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, ProfessorPresident, Israeli Sociology Society
Kristin E. Smith Visiting Associate Professor of SociologyRockefeller Center Policy Research Shop Director
Trica Keaton Marie-Curie Fellow: French Institute for Advanced Study / Iméra-Aix*Marseille Université, 2024-2025The Russell Ladd Newcomb 1926 Fellow, 2023-2024