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The sociology professor discusses on Weekend Edition Saturday the reliability of polling leading up to elections. "I think we should take polling with more caution, as scholars have long been advocating," Kim says.
[more]The honor society held its fall awards ceremony last week in Moore Hall.
[more]A DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY REITMAN-DEGRANGE COLLOQUIUM SERIES EVENT Shaonta Allen moderated a discussion with Dr. Glenn Bracey II, Villanova University and Dr. Terrance Johnson, Harvard University on Thuresday November 7 in Rocky 2. Dr. Allen moderated a post-election discussion of the ways religion is racialized and politicizedin American society. Panelists will also explore how faith-based politicshave paradoxically stifled and promoted social progress over time.
[more]A message from Anne Hudak and Eric Ramsey, interim deans of the College