Dartmouth Events

The Politics of Plague in 2019: A Pre-Performance Panel Discussion

A conversation with Jamie Horton, director of the Fall MainStage production of "The Living", and Dr. Elizabeth Talbot of the Geisel School of Medicine and the NH Dept of Health.

7 pm – 8 pm
Hopkins Center 200 Top of the Hop
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Lectures & Seminars, Performances

Please join Dr. Elizabeth Talbot, M.D. and The Living director Jamie Horton to discuss how a play about bubonic plague in 1665 London resonates with today’s international health crises of tuberculosis, ebola, and HIV - and how these connections should empower rather than alarm.

Professor Horton is Dartmouth’s Director of Theater and an Associate Professor with the Department of Theater. Dr. Talbot is an Associate Professor at the Geisel School of Medicine, with particular interest in emerging and tropical infectious diseases, and diseases of poverty. She has been an outbreak investigator for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and the NH Department of Health and Human Services where she serves as the Deputy State Epidemiologist.

The conversation will be moderated by Laura Edmondson, Associate Professor of Theater. Free and open to the public. This event will be recorded by VPR for later broadcast.

For more information, contact:
Milena D. Zuccotti

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.