Dartmouth Events

Model Minority/Model Enemy: Anti-Asian/American Bias in the Age of COVID

Panel moderated by Professor Alexander Chee discussing the rise of racist and xenophobic incidents targeting Asians and Asian Americans during COVID-19.

4 pm – 5 pm
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars
Registration required.

Since the first days Asian immigrants came to the United States, as either international students or strikebreakers, Asian Americans have historically been used as either a model minority or a hated one depending on whether the American power structure needed a collaborator or an enemy in order to maintain the status quo. Now the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us new ways these old myths can be used against us. Join us for a moderated panel conversation on the reinvention of these racist stereotypes accompanying the rise of racist and xenophobic incidents targeting Asians and Asian Americans, and explore ways we can create the solidarities needed to advocate for justice in our communities.


  • Yusaku HoriuchiProfessor of Government and Mitsui Professor of Japanese Studies, Dartmouth College
  • Grace KaoChair and IBM Professor of Sociology, Yale University and Director, Center for Empirical Research on Stratification and Inequality (CERSI)
  • Erika LeeRegents Professor of History and Asian American Studies, University of Minnesota and Director, Immigration History Research Center

Moderated by Alexander Chee, Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing, Dartmouth College

Registration is required. http://dartgo.org/AntiAsianBias

Presented by the Office of Institutional Diversity & Equity (IDE), the Office of Pluralism and Leadership (OPAL), and the Asian & Pacific Islander Caucus (APIC)

For more information, contact:
Kara Wakefield

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.