Dartmouth Events

Toxic Impacts of the Exide Lead Battery Plant

Laura Cortez and Paola Dela Cruz-Pérez give a talk and workshop as part of the Crossroads series.

1:15 pm – 2:15 pm
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Homepage Featured, Lectures & Seminars, Workshops & Training
Registration required.

Laura Cortez and Paola Dela Cruz-Pérez of East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, give a talk and workshop called "Toxic Impacts of the Exide Lead Battery Recycling Plant" as part of the "Crossroads: Intersections of Los Angeles' Energy, Environmental, Housing, and Racial Justice Movements."

East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice (EYCEJ) started and continues to be a community-led movement that addresses the disproportionate and avoidable health impacts to neighborhoods in Los Angeles created by white supremacist systems and perpetuated by policy. This event will include an intersectional approach to addressing environmental racism, including the trajectory of the Exide​ shutdown and looking to community-based solutions along with policy advocacy for community leadership. 

The series will feature academics, grassroots activists, lawyers, local government officials, and nonprofit organizations and will focus on three interconnected landscapes: housing resources, policing, and environmental racism

Learn more about Crossroads, view the calendar of events, and register here.

For more information, contact:
Irving Institute for Energy and Society

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.