Matthew Gannon '22 Has Been Named a Marshall Scholar
An advocate for the homeless, Gannon will pursue graduate study in the U.K.
[more]An advocate for the homeless, Gannon will pursue graduate study in the U.K.
[more]Published in the Concord Monitor 12/1/2021 5:18:55 PM New Hampshire girls have made strides in recent years, especially in math and science proficiency, a new report shows, but some challenges still exist that female students are facing far more than their male peers, particularly poor mental health and bullying, and enrollment in technical education. For Black and Hispanic girls, and those who live in rural areas, those challenges are even more likely.
[more]A "Spectator World" story about the sentimental feelings many have for autumn cites the sociologist's suggestion that the good feelings stem from fond back-to-school memories and reconnecting with friends not seen since school let out for the summer. Read more at:
[more]"The evidence somewhat points to gender roles in the home, and women being the primary caregivers for their children as a principal reason for women leaving the labor force," says the visiting associate professor of sociology.
[more]This weekend, the Valley News published a hard-hitting piece on sexual harassment among vulnerable women employed at cleaning companies in the UV. It was illuminating, and our very own Kristin Smith provided a sociological lens to the story: Women recount sexual harassment at Upper Valley cleaning companies